I popped over to Plas Coch to take some photos of the completed work to date. The sun was shining, the sky was blue and there were birds whistling a happy tune. I’m doing this to set the scene. It was, my friends, a perfect day.
I went through taking my photos in every room remembering to stand in the same place to get a similar shot each time to show the progression. I ended up in the top floor, talking to the Renovation Team Leader, Mick.
Seriously, it’s amazing the progress in this building. There’s a lovely atmosphere in the property. Like an old friend whose worth is being recognised and as such is starting to come alive. So we stood looking at those newly exposed beams – saying how beautiful it was all looking. Then there was the new and level floor and the newly discovered small fireplace with slate surround. I’ll pop a picture below for you to see.

I remember exclaiming how lovely that slate was, as this was newly exposed, having been painted white previously. ( See the picture below)
Mick and I both agreed…it’s a lovely fireplace. I finished my photos and snapped a photograph of the team who were on site; Pete, Joe and Mick. Then that was me done, I left the building.
Later on, about half an hour later, a call was put through to me from Mick who was understandably struggling to understand what he was telling me. He was questioning his sanity! He had gone upstairs to the room we had been in at 10.00 and the beautiful slate fireplace wasn’t as we had left it. It was now like the photograph below. Please note – the photo was taken by a shaken, possibly shaking, Mick.
However… it’s a mystery how it got like this! As you can imagine we are all looking for the logical explanation. Mick is still at a loss to explain it. For the mantlepiece to come off the wall like that would have needed some force. Luckily it is fixable. IF it had fallen naturally, it would have been heard and most likely broken..so how did this happen? Well, Mick interrogated his crew, even though he knew exactly where they all were and none of them had gone upstairs.
It’s a mystery!
We’ve already had Most Haunted out …so that only leaves a very quick and well informed thief…or…is it just a self-dismantling fireplace! Will we ever know the answer…?