
Fairy Craft Festival 2024 This years fantastic Fairy Craft Festival finished with the exciting craft-filled Open Days. Lavinia HQ in Ruthin was buzzing with magical creativity and it was awesome to see the amount of crafters that interacted with the event both online and in person. We had fabulous tutors at the event who gave tips and techniques […]

Spring Extravaganza 2024 The Spring Extravaganza finished with two fabulous Open Days and the Lavinia HQ in Ruthin was buzzing with magical creativity. We had fabulous tutors at the event who all showcased how to create their unique designs and help give tips and help techniques to everyone who joined us for the weekend. Tutors that shared […]

Hallaganza 2024 This years extravaganza finished with the exciting craft-filled Open Days. Many made their way to us at HQ to see free, live craft tutorials throughout the weekend from Tracey and the Design Team. Tips, techniques, inspiration and helpful advice for all your art and crafting projects filled the weekend!  Our live events provide a very […]

Hallaganza 2023

If you enjoyed our Spring Extravaganza, you’re going to love our four-day Fairy Fest, with four days of free demonstrations, tutorials, giveaways, and competitions.

It will be lovely if you can join us for the open days, on the Saturday and Sunday, at our Ruthin HQ!

Keep checking back here for more details about this exciting event.

Fairy Craft Festival 2023

If you enjoyed our Spring Extravaganza, you’re going to love our four-day Fairy Fest, with four days of free demonstrations, tutorials, giveaways, and competitions.

It will be lovely if you can join us for the open days, on the Saturday and Sunday, at our Ruthin HQ!

Keep checking back here for more details about this exciting event.

Clockwork Carnival 2023

The Clockwork Carnival has been and gone. Today the Lavinia Fairies working at The Ministry of Time are winding down the clocks to normal speed! View a gallery image featuring the new stamps What a Wonderful Weekend It was an exceptional event full of crafts, stamps, stencils, fun, friends and even costumes! The extreme detail […]

Hallaganza 2022

The whole event has been a complete whirlwind of beautiful creative people coming together to share their passion for arts and crafts. With a Hallowe’en Steampunk theme there was much to see, including the new “Spellbound” Collection of Stamps and the resident skeleton Martin. The tutors at this event were Jo Rice, Sarah Anderson, Karen […]